Dear Friends,
Please join us in welcoming our venerable Ayya Tathaaloka back to Fremont. Ayya Tathaaloka will be coming down from our Aranya Bodhi Forest Hermitage with Sayalay Santacari for a half-month stay at the Bodhi House from June 28th thru to 20th July.
During her stay, Ayya Tathaaloka plans to visit places around the area recommended for our new monastery/vihara. Stay tuned for further news on this.
Sharing joy,
Metta from your friends at and around the Bodhi House

Useful Things List
updated: July 12, 2012
Anumodana for all that you offer and share in whatever form.
May you be well and happy, peaceful and at ease.
May you not lack for the basic requisites of life.
May you have all needed support in your practice of the Path.
May you be well and happy, peaceful and at ease.
May you not lack for the basic requisites of life.
May you have all needed support in your practice of the Path.
Kefir - Lactose Free, Sugar Free, Unflavoured
Hemp Seed
Cranberry Juice
For the Hermitage
For an up to date list of what is useful and needed at the hermitage
see our Awakening Forest Blog (scroll down on the right)
*supplies for the hermitage CAN be dropped off at the Bodhi House*
Please Note:
Aranya Bodhi Hermitage Environmental Policy
The monastics' ethic is to gratefully accept whatever is offered, other than what is unusable or harmful. Out of consideration for the welbeing and welfare of our human society and planetary environment, at the hermitage it is essential that you offer environmentally-, eco-friendly products, particulary biodegradable eco-friendly cleaning supplies. Please also consider unbleached, recycled toilet paper and paper towels, no plastic water bottles, products with less plastic packaging, as well as vegetarian and organically-grown food products...
There is no trash service at the hermitage.
Please be aware that all garbage and recycling that comes in will also need to be carried out.
Thank you for your care of our monastic community, our human society and all living beings!